Discover the Top 5 Chesil Beach Fishing Spots for Anglers

Chesil Beach is a renowned fishing destination along the Dorset coast, offering a diverse range of species and opportunities for anglers of all skill levels. Whether you’re a seasoned fisherman or a beginner exploring the wonders of coastal fishing, this comprehensive guide will introduce you to the top fishing spots on Chesil Beach.

Bridging Camp: The Deep Water Hotspot

Bridging Camp is a prime location for targeting larger fish species, such as codling, whiting, dogfish, jumbo pouting, poor cod, and pollack. The deep water close to the shoreline makes it an ideal spot for these species. Anglers can use lugworms tipped with peeler crab or whole squid as bait to attract the big fish, while a lug bait tipped with mackerel works well for whiting and pout. A good cast is typically needed to reach the codling, but they may move closer to the shoreline at night. A size 3/0 Pennell rig is recommended for chasing the big fish, while a two-hook clipped rig with size 1 hooks is suitable for smaller species.

Bexington: The Mackerel Mecca

Chesil Beach Fishing Spots

Bexington is renowned for its abundance of mackerel, which typically show up in large numbers from May onwards. Anglers can use small multi-hook rigs carrying rag tipped with mackerel, blow lug, or half a crab to attract a variety of species, including gurnard, bream, smoothound, plaice, and more. For those seeking larger specimens, beefing up the hook size and adding a large fish bait after dark can result in double-figure undulate ray or conger.

Abbotsbury: The Mixed Fishing Hotspot

Abbotsbury is a prime spot for mixed fishing, with the best action focused between Chesil Cove and Abbotsbury. Small multi-hook rigs carrying rag tipped with mackerel, blow lug, or half a crab can attract a diverse range of species, including gurnard, bream, smoothound, plaice, and more. For specimen hunters, big undulate rays, congers, and bass are possible, especially during September. Ragworm and peeler crab are the top baits for targeting these larger species.

Ferrybridge: The Convenient Fishing Spot

Ferrybridge, located at the eastern end of the fleet, offers fishing opportunities for a variety of species, including black bream, gurnards, trigger fish, codling, smoothhound, scad, and garfish. The fishing can be good in front of the car park, making it a convenient option for those who don’t want to walk far. Big tides can often be the most productive here, with a steady run of tide for over 7 hours on a big tide. Fishing around 4-4.5 hours before high water and 3 hours back will give you a steady run of tide for your session.

Chesil Cove: The Rocky Hotspot

Chesil Cove, at the eastern extremity of the Chesil Beach, is a rocky area that offers excellent opportunities for bass, pouting, and conger, especially during night fishing. Black bream are also common at times. The car park is immediately behind the beach, making it easily accessible.

Landing Craft Site: The Bream Bonanza

The Landing Craft Site, accessed from the main car park serving the Chesil Beach Centre, is a prime spot for black bream. Anglers can target these fish using ragworm bait during daylight hours as well as at night. The wreck of the Royal Adelaide, located some 100 to 150 yards offshore, is also a popular mark for trigger fish when the sea is warm, usually during late summer.

Abbotsbury Beach: The Classic Sea Fishing Spot

Abbotsbury Beach, accessed from the beach car park at the end of the road signposted to the Sub-Tropical Gardens and beach, is a classic sea fishing site with a walkway that takes you to the top of the shingle bank. Target species include dogfish, pouting, scad, poor cod, and black bream. This area is particularly good for black bream, which can be caught using ragworm bait during daylight hours as well as at night.

When fishing Chesil Beach, it’s crucial to be aware of the weather and strong winds from the southerly quarter, which can create dangerous sea conditions. Seeking advice before heading out is recommended to ensure a safe and enjoyable fishing experience.

Bridging Camp Section Sea Fishing Mark
Chesil Beach Fishing Guide
Chesil Beach Fishing

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